Monday, August 3, 2020

POLD1 or defects in genes predispose to colon cancer will POLE

Genetic scientists at Oxford University on 20 Nfrazkhanvadh DNA genome of the sequenced with history of colon cancer. Nfrazayn eight of 20 patients were diagnosed with colon cancer, while the rest of their first-degree relatives with the disease. These people saw people carrying copies of their DNA abnormalities and defective genes POLD1 POLE and colon cancer are more at risk than others.

Doctors Without Borders site report identifying the gene that explains why some families are more prone to this cancer. These genes are passed from child to parent body formation and the risk of colon cancer increases dramatically.
The researchers add: By identifying defective versions of the gene and a family history of colon cancer screening, people who have a predisposition to cancer patients diagnosed using colonoscopy and other methods to prevent the disease in worked.
They found that everyone who has a defect in the gene POLE POLD1 or colon cancer or bowel cancer, is a step forward.
They then confirmed their findings in these two gene defects in approximately 4000 patients with colorectal cancer and 6,700 people without the disease were studied.
None of these individuals without colorectal cancer, there was no genetic defects. However, 12 patients with a defect in a gene POLE Nfrba POLD1 gene defects were found in individuals with colon cancer.
POLD1 marked defect in the gene increase the risk of uterine cancer and brain cancer is probably the Seven uterine cancer in this study were diagnosed with brain tumors in developing the two.
According to researchers and POLD1 POLE genes are genes involved in DNA damage repair processes and malfunctioning genes and accumulation of DNA damage in individual causes changes in the body that are involved in colon cancer.
Professor Ian Tomlinson of human Mrkzzhntyk Rhbrayn Oxford University study said the two defects are rare, but if you forget to inherit them, you have high chances of developing colon cancer.
People with a family history of the disease by testing for these genes, we who are at high risk using colonoscopy and other methods can help to prevent this disease.
POLE genes and POLD1, Drfrayndhayy that repair DNA damage are involved. Without the proper function of these genes, those with damaged DNA, and that this may lead to changes Tsvrbran that can cause colon cancer.
Other results from this study with additional research to confirm the findings obtained in more people added version POLD1 defective gene with increased risk of uterine cancer and brain cancer, has been associated with the 7 people in Additional studies also have copies of the defective gene and one POLD1 with cervical cancer has been diagnosed with two brain tumors.
The research, published in Nature Genetics (Nature Genetics) has been released.

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